We recently moved servers and it gave me an opportunity to recreate the blog and content. I have always enjoyed the feel of a quality pen. Some of my favorite were the Mont Blanc and Pelican fountain pens.
Now that I am retired, I have found time for several of my creative passions. Pen Making, writing and making things are among them.
It is just one of many styles I can create. Every pen is different. Walnut and cherry are two favorite woods for pens, they have such a nice feel. Others like the acrylic and the simulated stone or marble pens. Fountain pens and rollerball styles are available.
My two books, both titled An Amazing Probably Mostly True Story, and book 2 of the same title, are on Amazon as hard copy and Kindle© formats. They tell a story of a midwestern orphan, just after World War II, and how a chain of events led him and a team of volunteers into space years ahead of the official space program.