Welcome to the Pen Blog

We recently moved servers and it gave me an opportunity to recreate the blog and content. I have always enjoyed the feel of a quality pen. Some of my favorite were the Mont Blanc and Pelican fountain pens.

Buckeye Burl Pen
This Buckeye Burl, satin pen, sells for $27 with free shipping to 48 states.

Now that I am retired, I have found time for several of my creative passions. Pen Making, writing and making things are among them.

This is a nice acrylic pen, I make these for people who will appreciate them.

It is just one of many styles I can create. Every pen is different. Walnut and cherry are two favorite woods for pens, they have such a nice feel. Others like the acrylic and the simulated stone or marble pens. Fountain pens and rollerball styles are available.

Slim Walnut Pen With Gold Fittings
A slim walnut pen with gold fittings, only $17 with shipping included

My two books, both titled An Amazing Probably Mostly True Story, and book 2 of the same title, are on Amazon as hard copy and Kindle© formats. They tell a story of a midwestern orphan, just after World War II, and how a chain of events led him and a team of volunteers into space years ahead of the official space program.

Book 1 by James Huffaker
This book has basis in events of the time and real people.
